The detector is an air cooled (-70oC), back thinned CCD detector with 1024x256 pixels (pixel size 26x26 microns) and a spectral range of 200-1050 nm. It has an XY manual mechanical stage and an open space microscope where the sample stays static while the objective is adjusted along z to focus, enabling the possibility of measuring large samples. Both reflective and transmitted light is available for illumination of the sample. The colour camera gives simultaneous view of sample and laser spot.
The system is equipped with two lasers and kinematic filters for quick and easy exchange between wavelengths. The lasers are an air cooled double frequency Nd:YAG laser (532 nm/ 50 mW), edge and interference filters for measurements <100 cm-1, as well as an air cooled intra cavity regulated laser diode with point source (785 nm/ 100mW), edge and interference filter for measurements from 100 cm-1. The laser intensity is adjusted by a software controlled filter wheel with 6 ND filters.
Available objectives are:
10x NA = 0.28, WD = 35 mm
50x NA = 0.42, WD = 20.5 mm
Examples/Application areas
Recharge Rates
MMK users: 40 SEK
With operator: additional 125 SEK/ 30 min
Outside academic users: 80 SEK
With operator: additional 400 SEK/ 30 min
Non-academic users: 160 SEK
With operator: additional 500 SEK/ 30 min