TGA - TA Instruments Discovery TG
TGA - TA Instruments Discovery TG

Features include; a 4-gas input gas delivery module, auto-sampler, TG/MS coupling to a Pfeiffer Thermostar MS, modulated TG and HiRes TG. Typical sample weights are 0.5-2 mg, with a weight sensitivity of 0.1 µg. The IR furnace provides for regulated heating rates up to 500°C/min and ballistically 1000°C. The TRIOS software can be down-loaded for free from the TA Instruments home-page.


Larger research groups may purchase their own Al2O3 or Pt cup (ca. 2500 SEK each), or MACAL can provide cups, with users then being responsible for the intactness of the cups.


Example/Application areas

Oxidation of BaTiO3-xHx in air. 1% weight-change for a 5 mg sample equals 40 g.
Oxidation of BaTiO3-xHx in air. 1% weight-change for a 5 mg sample equals 40 mg.
Switching between N2 and air atmosphere at different temperatures for a sample with varying cation oxidation state.
Switching between N2 and air atmosphere at different temperatures for a sample with varying cation oxidation state.


Recharge Rates

MMK users:  100 kr/h without operator, 400 kr/h with operator and/or evaluation
Academic users: 200 kr/h without operator, 400 kr/h with operator and/or evaluation
Commercial users: According to quotation and full cost coverage.

Fee for traning/configurations:

MMK users 250 SEK/h, external academic uers 500 SEK/h, commercial users 1000 SEK/h.

Time unit: 1 hour