The Netzsch STA 449 F3 Jupiter is a top-loaded simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) instrument for TG and heat-flow DSC measurements from RT to 1600 °C in oxidizing or neutral gases. Features include a gas control block with 3 inputs, a vacuum-tight sample chamber and automatic evacuation and purge gas inlet. The furnace has SiC heating elements and cools down typically in less than 2 hours. The carrier (rod) is a heat-flow DSC rod with an S-type Pt/Pt(Rh) thermocouple. Typical sample weights are 5 – 30 mg, with the sample amount limited by the size of the available 80 µL Al2O3 and Pt sample cups. For accurate data, a correction run should be made with an empty cup, but buoyancy effects are significantly reduced by the TGA-BeFlat software.


Larger research groups may purchase their own Al2O3 or Pt cups , or MACAL can provide cups, with users then being responsible for the intactness of the cups.

Example/Application areas

TG- and DSC-signals for the calibration compound Ca-oxalate.
TG- and DSC-signals for the calibration compound Ca-oxalate.
TG- and DSC signals for the Prussian Blue analogue compound Cu[Fe(CN)6]2/33.5H2O recorded in N2 gas with a heating rate of 20 C/min.
TG- and DSC signals for the Prussian Blue analogue compound Cu[Fe(CN)6]2/3·3.5H2O recorded in N2 gas with a heating rate of 20 °C/min.

Recharge Rates

MMK users:  100 kr/h without operator, 400 kr/h with operator and/or evaluation
Academic users: 200 kr/h without operator, 400 kr/h with operator and/or evaluation
Commercial users: According to quotation and full cost coverage.

Fee for traning/configurations:

MMK users 250 SEK/h, external academic uers 500 SEK/h, commercial users 1000 SEK/h.

Time unit: 1 hour