Malvern Instruments zetasizer nano series
Malvern Instruments zetasizer nano series

Laser Doppler Micro-electrophoresis is the technique used to measure zeta potential. An electric field is applied to a solution of molecules or a dispersion of particles, which will then move with a velocity related to their zeta potential. This velocity is measured using a laser interferometric technique. Static Light Scattering is used to determine the molecular weight of proteins and polymers.


  • Size measurement from 0.6 nm – 6000 nm
  • Sample concentrations from 0.1 ppm to 40% w/v
  • Disposable capillary cell for zeta potential measurements to completely eliminate cross contamination are available

Example/Application areas

TEM image of TiO2 powder
TEM image of TiO2 powder
  Particle size distribution of the TiO2 powder (shown above on the TEM image) obtained by dynamic light scattering
Particle size distribution of the TiO2 powder (shown above on the TEM image) obtained by dynamic light scattering


Surface charge of the TiO2 particles (shown above on the TEM image) as a function of pH measured by laser Doppler electrophoresis
Surface charge of the TiO2 particles (shown above on the TEM image) as a function of pH measured by laser Doppler electrophoresis



Spray drying of TiO2 nanoparticles into redispersible granules
Faure, B; Lindelov, JS; Wahlberg, M; Adkins, N; Jackson, P; Bergstrom, L
2010 | POWDER TECHNOLOGY | 203 (384-388)

Colloidal aspects relating to direct incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles into mesoporous spheres by an aerosol-assisted process.
Petr O Vasiliev; Bertrand Faure; Jovice Boon Sing Ng; Lennart Bergstrom
2008 | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science | 319 (144-151)

Recharge Rates

MMK users: 80 SEK

With operator: additional 250 SEK/hour
Outside academic users: 160 SEK

With operator: additional 800 SEK/hour
Non-academic users: 320 SEK

With operator: additional 1000 SEK/hour

Time unit: per hour