Far-IR (400-40 cm-1) measurements are also available by replacement of the detector and

Varian 610-IR IR microscope
Varian 610-IR IR microscope

beamsplitter with a DTGS detector with PE window and Mylar 12µ beamsplitter.

The IR microscope is coupled to the IR spectrometer and can be used as an optical or infrared microscope in both transmission and reflection modes. It has a motorized x-y-z stage and equipped with a linearized MCT detector with a 100 x 100 µm detector element allowing analysis of samples down to 10 µm.


Accessories to the IR spectrometer:

  • Specac-1800 liquid cell with different windows (KBr, CaF2, etc.) and spacers for measurement of liquids, solutions in transmission mode.
  • 20 ton pressing tool and die presses for making ø10 mm and ø16 mm pellets from powders to measure them in transmission mode.
  • 10 cm gas cell to measure IR spectra of gases.
  • Specac Goldengate single reflection attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory with a diamond ATR element for quick measurements (no sample preparation needed) of IR spectra of solids (powder, polymer, film) and liquids.
  • Homemade transmission cell connected to high vacuum system. Achievable conditions: pressure <10-7 Torr, temperature: RT-300 °C. In situ investigation of surface species during adsorption or heterogeneous catalytic reactions is possible.
  • PIKE DiffusIR diffuse reflection accessory. Solid samples in powder form can be investigated without any sample preparation.
  • PIKE environmental chamber for DiffusIR. The chamber can be connected to the high vacuum system and in situ investigation of surface species during adsorption or heterogeneous catalytic reactions is possible. Achievable conditions: pressure ~10-6 Torr, temperature: RT-900 °C.

Accessories to the IR microscope:

  • Linkam THM-600 heated stage with a temperature control (RT-600 °C). The stage provides possibilities to study phase transitions and decompositions at elevated temperatures in a controlled atmosphere.
  • Slide-on micro ATR with Ge ATR element, contact area: 20-50 µm.
  • Grazing angle objective for investigation of thin layers on IR reflective materials (e.g. monolayer on metals).
  • PIKE GladiATR single reflection attenuated total reflection (ATR) accessory with a diamond ATR element for quick measurements of IR spectra of solids (powder, polymer, film) and liquids. The GladiATR is equipped with a ceramoplastic top plate and heatable up to 300 °C.

Example/Application areas

Related publications:

Z. Bacsik, R. Atluri, A. E. Garcia-Bennett, N. Hedin, Temperature-induced Uptake of CO2 and Formation of Carbamates in Mesocaged Silica Modified with n-Propylamines, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 10013-10024.

Q. Liu, A. Mace, Z. Bacsik, J. Sun, A. Laaksonen, and N. Hedin, NaKA sorbents with high CO2-over-N2 selectivity and high capacity to adsorb CO2, Chemical Communications, 2010, 46(25), 4502-4504.

Z. Bacsik, N. Ahlsten, A. Ziadi, G. Zhao, A. E. Garcia-Bennett, B. Martin-Matute, N. Hedin
Mechanisms and kinetics for sorption of CO2 on bicontinuous mesoporous silica modified with n-propylamine, Langmuir 2011, 27, 11118-11128.

Gebauer, D.; Gunawidjaja, P. N.; Ko, J. Y. P.; Bacsik, Z.; Aziz, B.; Liu, L.; Hu, Y.; Bergström, L.; Tai, C.; Sham, T.; Edén, M.; Hedin, N. Proto-Calcite and Proto-Vaterite in Amorphous Calcium Carbonates. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2010, 49, 8889-8891.

Time-resolved, in situ IR spectra recorded during adsorption of CO2 on propylamine modified MCM-48 silica (Langmuir 2011, 27, 11118-11128.)
Time-resolved, in situ IR spectra recorded during adsorption of CO2 on propylamine modified MCM-48 silica (Langmuir 2011, 27, 11118-11128.)
Infrared spectra of adsorbed CO2 on a) NaA zeolite, and on NaKA zeolites with K+ contents of b) 17 at.%, c) 28 at.%, and d) 88 at.%, at a CO2 pressure of 0.13 bar (Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 4502-4504.)
Infrared spectra of adsorbed CO2 on a) NaA zeolite, and on NaKA zeolites with K+ contents of b) 17 at.%, c) 28 at.%, and d) 88 at.%, at a CO2 pressure of 0.13 bar (Chemical Communications, 2010, 46, 4502-4504.)


Recharge Rates

MMK users: 40 SEK

With operator: additional 125 SEK/ 30 min
Outside academic users: 80 SEK

With operator: additional 400 SEK/ 30 min
Non-academic users: 160 SEK

With operator: additional 500 SEK/ 30 min

Time unit: 30 min